District News
Join us in Halifax, Nova Scotia from May 30 to June 1, 2025, for a magical weekend filled with fellowship, innovation, and insights on how to make a greater impact in our community and beyond. We are beyond thrilled to announce keynote speaker Ramesh Ferris, and Dr. Susan Hartley, with more wonderful speakers to be announced!
Click read more for more details and sponsorship package.
Do you know who your next years executive is?
The deadline to submit next years exec is JANUARY 1,2025.
Training is being planned for next year for incoming:
If you are new to adding this info to Club Runner and would like assistance, please reach out to:
Holly Thompson: d7815datamanagement@outlook.com
Candace Boone:  candace.b.boone@gmail.com
President's Council Presents Guest Speaker Carl Treleaven: President of the Rotary Action Group for Community Economic Development (RAGCED)
October is Community Economic Development month in the Rotary calendar. We are pleased to announce that PDG Carl Treleaven, current President of the Rotary Action Group for Community Economic Development (RAGCED) will be our Guest Speaker.
Carl joins us from his home District 6950 in Florida.
The monthly District wide Presidents’ Council is scheduled for this coming Wednesday evening (October 23rd) starting at 7 pm (7:30 NL time). This meeting will be held via Zoom. The link is noted below.
We encourage Presidents to share details of this session with all Rotarians and interested guests. We encourage you to join this Zoom session to learn more about the good work being done by RAGCED!
The Zoom link for this meeting is as follows:
Rotary Friendship Exchange with Peru!!
Accepting applications until October 28th.
Want to get away from the winter Blues? Exchange the snow and drizzle of February for +23C to 29C days in the sun? Nights of 18C to 24C?
Want to experience other cultures while making lasting friendships,
Want to explore new countries and ancient civilizations?
Care to do this on a smaller budget?
Rotary District 4455 in Peru has invited us to visit them in February for a Friendship Exchange.
We will be visiting Lima, Arequipa and surrounding areas. These dates are February 17th to 28th. They would like a return visit to our district from June 8th to 19th.
We are now accepting applications for the outbound exchange.
The Rotary Friendship Exchange program gives Rotarians (including spouse, significant other or family member) the opportunity to host and visit Rotarians around the world. In addition to experiencing other cultures and making lasting friendships, an exchange provides a strong foundation for carrying out other international activities and service projects.
The primary goal of a Friendship Exchange is to build greater international understanding and goodwill. In addition, exchange participants can learn how their vocations are practiced in other parts of the world, observe new customs and cultures, and promote an appreciation of cultural diversity worldwide.
Participants are hosted by local Rotarians and clubs eliminating the cost of hotels. Travel within the district is usually provide although not always. Generally visitors pay their own meals, etc. although many are provided by hosts and their clubs. Often, we are asked for presentations about our district. We do pay for incidentals and some entrance fees, etc. as you might expect.
Please consider this wonderful opportunity and complete the attached application.
Contact PDG Tom McCaughey for further information at dgtom7820@gmail.com 709-682-7259
Here is an interesting video of the 10 things to do in Lima https://youtu.be/AUyJjgHCW7I
This is to register for the Rotary Leadership Institute - RLI Part 2
RLI is a great opportunity to learn new skills, connect with new people, and help us all build a stronger Rotary team across the District. You won't want to miss this!
Rotary Leadership Institute FilesPart 2: Online
February 1st, 8th, and 15th
6:30pm-8:30pm Atlantic / 7:00pm-9:00pm NFLD
 Come to join us and learn about Rotary!
 If you have any questions please contact: rliatlanticreg@gmail.com
Thank you and we will see you there!


District Contact
Brian Smith
District Secretary
77 Russell Lake Dr., Unit 410
Dartmouth, NS B2W 6R8
Phone: 902-717-3281 
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Rotary's response to U.S.'s intent to withdraw from World Health Organization

Rotary's response to U.S.'s plan to withdraw from World Health

Rotary members jump into action to help Los Angeles wildfire victims

Massive wildfires in Southern California, USA, have destroyed at least 12,000 buildings, razed neighborhoods, and displaced tens of thousands of people

Jimmy Carter's vision for peace

This story appeared in the February 2018 issue of Rotary magazine.  It’s a crisp, sunny day in late October, and school groups are touring the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library in

Espresso in a war zone

Adventure or misadventure, roving correspondent Scott Simon finds enlightenment in a life of travels

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