Bio John Williamson
John R. Williamson
DG 1994-95
John was born in New Glasgow NS, school years in St.John’s, B.Sc. Mount A, B.Eng (Elec.) Nova Scotia Tech (now Dalhousie Faculty of Engineering). Joined Westinghousc Canada, Hamilton ON 1948, transferred to Halifax 1965 and retired as Vice President Atlantic Region 1987.
He joined TRC of Halifax Northwest January 1966 and was president in 1971-72. He has been active in District committee work, especially Ambassadorial Scholarships, and was District Governor in 1994-95. Chaired 2 Dist. Conferences
He attended the International Assembly in Anaheim, the International convention at Taipei, and has participated in a number of Zone Foundation Seminars and Institutes across Canada. In 1999 he represented Canada on the North America Affairs Committee in Evanston. In May 2000 served as RI President Ravizza’s personal representative to the District 7790 Conference in Ste. Anne, Quebec. He represented our District at the Council on Legislation in Delhi in 1998 and in Chicago in 2001.
He received “District Foundation Service Awards” for several years, his club's "Service Above Self Award", the RI "Service Above Self Award and the Rotary Foundation “Citation for Meritorious Service”. He was deeply moved to receive the first “Heart of District 7820 Award” in 2011-12
John and Pat are multiple Paul Harris Fellows, Foundation Benefactors, members of the Rotary Foundation Bequest Society and Paul Harris Society. They have two sons and one grandson, and they live in Halifax.
John has supported PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners ever since the original campaign in 1986-87. In January 1998 he was thrilled to be able to participate in a National Immunization Day in India. In 2000/01 & 2001/02 he was Chair of the District PolioPlus committee and in 2002/03 was Team Canada Atlantic Leader of the Polio Eradication Fundraising Campaign that raised C$541000 in Districts 7810 and 7820