Posted by Louisa Horne
Every day mothers risk their lives giving birth and millions of children die each year from treatable, preventable causes.
At least 7 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation. To help reduce this rate, Rotary provides immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improves access to essential medical services, and supports trained health care providers for mothers and their children.
Clubs in this district have supported many projects related to mothers and children.  One that I saw recently was the result of the partnership between the Rotary Club of Halifax and clubs in Calgary and Mbarara, Uganda...
A room in a hospital for mothers of pre-term babies was renovated and equipped.  Mothers have washroom and shower facilities to help them as they stay close to look after their babies – and the special room is kept at a very warm temperature for the tiny babies as there are no incubators.
Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live longer and grow stronger.  We expand access to quality care, so mothers and children everywhere can have the same opportunities for a healthy future.
Rotary provides education, immunizations, birth kits, and mobile health clinics. Women are taught how to prevent mother-to-infant HIV transmission, how to breast-feed, and how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
The Rotary Foundation reaches mothers and children in need by giving communities the help and training they need to take control of their own maternal and infant health care.
Rotary’s projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs. Maternal and Child Health Care is also recognized as one of Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus. 
Here is a short YouTube video about what Rotary does for Mothers and Children -
What can your club do to acknowledge this theme?  An online presentation?  A local project?  Explore a partnership?  Let us know what you will do?
Trivia question - Watch the video and name one way Rotarians are helping support mothers and children!